"I truly enjoyed Luke's Tale. My husband even read it! We had a black lab named Luke, and he was the greatest, like your Luke. I hope your message is felt by many." OR
"I have always been a dog person and loved Luke from the start." OR
"Using Luke's life to illustrate unconditional love was brilliant. But Carol goes on to illustrate forgiveness, redemption, hope, compassion, and victory over death. This book is truly amazing and uplifting, which is rare these days." OR
"This is a wonderful story. You will laugh and you will cry. I could see some of my dogs doing some of the things Luke did. Very enjoyable. Must read." OR
Spoiler Alert!
"I just finished Luke's Tale and it was fantastic. I loved reading it from a dog's point of view. I cried at the end because Luke reminds me of my dog but the joy Luke shows when he goes over the rainbow helped alleviate the sadness. My lovely Lab/retriever mix is growing old with me and helps me much like Luke helps Sara." OR
"You need not be an animal lover to love this book, if you are it will tug at your heartstrings even more. Beautifully written with a lesson that every one can learn from. It seems that our lives and those around us are so full of ME, ME, ME, that we don't stop to think how we push our ideals of life onto others.Unconditional love is a necessity if we are to live a genuine life and this"tale"helps us see how we can bring this kind of love into our lives. A must read and definitely worth five stars!!" OR
" I loved this book and couldn't put this book down. Yes I cried a whole bunch but also laughed a whole bunch. I think everyone should read this book and maybe the world would be a better place with unconditional love. I know that I have that love with my two dogs." OR
"You will laugh and cry with Luke throughout this book. Luke's Tale is a great story for anyone, especially those of us who love dogs. It was wonderful to read about life and love from a dog's point of view. Luke loved his owners, and you will love Luke as you continue to read this story. I have a blind dog and now, when I watch him, I wonder what he is thinking and if he might have some of the same thoughts and emotions Luke had in this book. Anyone who has loved and lost a pet will be touched by the end of this wonderful story."OR
"I was very hesitant to read a book that was written from the point of view of a dog. But, I love dogs and gave it a shot. This was one of the best stories I have read in a while. I think I learned a lot about love and relationships through this book. I don't think I ever thought I could think about a dog in such a way! Read this one and you don't be sorry, just make sure you have some tissues handy!"
Okay, I could go on with what many will consider my "blatant" crowing about my book. But my point is simple. Animals have so much to teach us. I have loved them all my life, and I have learned so much about myself in the process of loving them. Take a moment and think about how your dog greets you when you come home. The joy at your arrival is overwhelming. Think about how they just want to be near you, be a comfort and have you scratch behind their ears. Recall how they never hesitate to lick your hand or sit near you, even after you have ignored them for hours, or even days. That's love. It's always there for you.
That's why I write through the eyes of a dog. There is no other creature that will love you without conditions. Now, if we could just love each other in the same way, this world would be a better place full of compassion, understanding, kindness and just plain love.