Then, I came across this photo, and I knew what I needed to do for the rest of the day. I will surround myself with soulful eyes, warm fur and the silent love of my dogs. And then, I will be healed.
Til Next Time,
There's an expression that horse trainers use whenever a client's ride becomes difficult - "Keep riding through it." I've heard it at least a hundred times while riding my horse. It's a function of good horsemanship. If you give up or get off in the midst of difficulties, you might win the battle that day but lose the war in the long run. Learning to be really good at something takes persistence and time. Such it is with life; so it is with writing.
I find myself feeling quite ill today. I have gone through the motions of work, but my creativity drained away as the hours ticked by.
Then, I came across this photo, and I knew what I needed to do for the rest of the day. I will surround myself with soulful eyes, warm fur and the silent love of my dogs. And then, I will be healed. Til Next Time, Carol ![]() I love WebMD. I can find the answers to all sorts of problems on it. Today I was reading about the top relationship problems and what to do about them. I’m not including them all; just the ones with which I have had personal experience. 1. Communication This is the biggie. If you can’t communicate, you’re in big time trouble. Does your partner sit with you flipping through text, email or Facebook on the old cellphone? Mine does. Drives me nuts. And do you really think that watching TV is actually being together? Well, if you are exhausted and just want to press up against each other, cuddle and watch something you both enjoy, then more power to you. But, if you have truly lost the inability to communicate, here’s what WebMD suggests. Problem-solving strategies:
2. Money My guy and I have been rich and we’ve been broke. Rich is better. Let’s face it, the economy since 2002 has been shaky. All of us have had it rough. It can cause stress and tension in both male and female. From my experience, it’s created a lot of stress. We’ve used or tried to deal with all of the strategies below. Problem-solving strategies:
3. Not Making Your Relationship a Priority Honestly, I think a lot of us fall into this trap. It’s easy to do in a world where everyone has to work really hard just to make ends meet. But, it’s critical to try and keep the magic in your relationship. Problem-solving strategies:
4. Conflict Groundhog Day with Bill Murray is one of our favorite movies. But, no one wants to live the same thing over and over again. Particularly where conflict is involved. When there is conflict, use the strategies below to resolve it. Problem-solving strategies:
5. Trust This one is so much the key to everything else. Really. I was able to heal old wounds from another relationship because my husband created so much trust in our relationship. Pay careful attention to this. Problem-solving strategies: You and your partner can develop trust in each other by following these tips.
Relationship by “mind-reading” doesn’t work. Always tell your partner specifically what you need. Interject humor into your relationship. Don’t always take everything so seriously. Learn to relax with each other, joke with each other, and always be kind. If you are willing to take a look at your relationship and what it needs on a periodic basis, it will remain healthy. Address the problems as they arise. Don’t sweep them under the rug. And, like I said in a previous article, don’t go to bed angry with each other! Always be prepared to take your fair share of a misunderstanding. Trust me, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Maintain that lawn, and it will always be beautiful. Problem-solving strategies pulled from It's 9/11, and I will never forget. It has been 13 years since the towers in New York City came crashing down. Can we ever forget the devastating loss of lives suffered that day in New York, at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. or the field in Pennsylvania?
It breaks my heart to think that numerous loved ones will never have the chance to grow old together, watch their children grow up or their grandchildren being born. Like us, they will never have the chance to show their unconditional love to family and friends. They'll never have the chance to support loved ones during hard times or illness. They'll never have the chance to take the good with the bad, give their loyalty and friendship to others. But WE have that chance. Never forget. Don't squander those chances. Don't let petty issues draw you away from those you love. Remember that you have been given the chance to be here for those important in your life. Others have not. So never forget how very fortunate you are, and make the most out of life by loving and being loved. Nothing else really matters, does it? Til Next Time, Carol ![]() I wrote this article 19 months ago. As I go into the Southern California Dressage Championships with my horse, I find that I need to revisit it. It is a noteworthy reminder for all of us. Do or do not ... there is no try. Famous words from Yoda of Star Wars fame. I used to think I knew what that meant until I had my Listerine moment. What the heck is a Listerine moment, you ask? I’ve always struggled opening “child-proof” Listerine bottle tops…or any bottle top for that matter. I’ve harbored this perception that I'm a physically weak person, until two months ago. I believed that I couldn’t get any jar or bottle open or safely pick up heavy items. To make matters worse, I’ve been a classical dressage rider for 14 years. That’s where the rider literally “dances” with the horse. It takes a lot of strength to sit up there and, through subtle movements, make a 1,300-pound horse do whatever you ask. And, in some instances, the strength difficulty factor blocked me from progressing. So what happened to change that? Simple, I had my Listerine moment. I was standing at the bathroom sink staring at the Listerine bottle. I took a deep breath, grabbed the top, pushed in the tabs on each side and twisted. Nothing. Suddenly it hit me. I’m trying, not doing. I can do this. Push past the initial resistance and open the damn bottle. I shook my head and took a step backward. Then I marched forward, picked up the bottle, pushed and twisted the cap and off it came! The light bulbs exploded in my head. My mind had been holding my body back. It didn’t stop there. I applied it to everything I’ve been doing. Those difficult dressage movements were mastered. Peanut butter jars were a piece of cake. I picked up heavy-duty items I had often not even attempted. The list goes on. While my Listerine moment was applicable to my physical strength, yours might be something different. A project you can’t push through? Something you’ve always wanted to try but been afraid to attempt? Meeting that special person? Whatever it is, just remember this simple rule: You can if you believe you can! Until next time! |
Carol McKibben Archives
January 2025