Since January, I've been writing this episodic series for my publisher. Let me share with you how the idea was born. I was with my publisher telling her all about my latest foster dog, Snow. She was a white husky with the bluest of blue eyes. Stephanie (my publisher) and I both love vampire stories. She looked at me and said, "I want you to write a vampire book next." My reply: ""Yes, and I'll again narrate it through the eyes of a dog - a vampire dog. We both simultaneously locked eyes and said, "Call it Snow Blood!"
It's amazing how the seed for a story idea springs to life. I latched onto it with the force of a vampire looking for his next meal! But it's so different from Luke's Tale! Not really.
Again, it is a story told through the eyes of a dog - a vampire dog! And even as a blood demon, Snow Blood develops loyalty to the ones he loves.But why? Is it as inherent in the undead to want to love and be loved as it is for living creatures? But with such flawed creatures? Aren't human beings flawed creatures? Aren't my creatures just parables? After all, vampires don't really exist. Do they? They certainly exist in my mind, and when I finish and publish this episodic series (one episode a week for six weeks), I hope those questions will be answered and that my latest characters will come to life for you!
Til next time!