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![]() Hey Everyone! I know this time of year is a busy time, and your schedules are hectic! But I have to share this giveaway with you. I've teamed up with The Kindle Book Review, Digital Book Today and some amazing authors to sponsor a Black Friday Giveaway. Join me and you can win a $400 Amazon Shopping Spree! WOW ... A $400 Amazon Gift Card. Just click on the link to enter. It's easy and fun, and the prize is awesome! Black Friday Giveaway #1: https://www.thekindlebookreview.net/black-friday-giveaway-1/ Black Friday Giveaway #2: https://www.thekindlebookreview.net/black-friday-giveaway-2/ What: We're giving away two (2) - $400 Amazon Shopping Sprees in time for Black Friday. When: November 16 - 27, 2014 (11 days) Ends 5:00 pm EST. Where: At The Kindle Book Review & Digital Book Today. Hope you enter to win! Til Next Time! Carol Join me on my book tour. Sign up to win Snow Blood's collar for your dog! Here are the dates:
November 10- December 8 November 10 Interview: Diane’s Book Blog - http://dianes-book.blogspot.com November 11: Top Ten List - Darkest Cravings - www.darkestcravings.blogspot.com November 12 Spotlight - 3 Partners in Shopping - http://3partnersinshopping.blogspot.com November 13 Interview - Deal Sharing Aunt - www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com November 14 Interview - Pembroke Sinclair - www.pembrokesinclair.blogspot.com November 17 Interview - Author Karen Swart - www.authorkarenswart.blogspot.com November 18 Spotlight and review - Penny For Them... http://pennyforthemuk.com/Tour November 19 Character Interview - Eclipse Reviews - www.totaleclipsreviews.blogspot.com November 20 Interview - Shut Up & Read - http://shutupandreadgroup.blogspot.com/ November 21 Spotlight - Lisa’s World of Books - www.lisasworldofbooks.net November 24 Interview - The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom - www.creativelygreen.blogspot.com November 25 Guest Blog - Roxanne’s Realm - www.roxannerhoads.com November 26 Review - Cabin Goddess - www.cabingoddess.com November 28 Spotlight - Emma Weylin - http://emmaweylin.com/ December 1 Spotlight and review - Coffee Addicts Books - http://www.selenityjadebooks.blogspot.com/ December 3 Review - Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock - www.pratr.wordpress.com December 4 Interview and review - happy tails and tales - http://happytailsandtales.blogspot.com December 5 Spotlight - Sizzling Book Blog - http://chelssizzle.blogspot.com/ December 8 Interview - Fang-tastic Books - www.fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com See you on the book trail! Carol I try to always provide something of value on my blog. Whether it's information about relationships, writing, or experiences that have touched my life. That's why I want to tell you about my latest exciting adventure. Snow Blood Season 1 and I are going on a blog book tour from November 10 through December 8.
What does that mean? You ask. Well, for about 20 days I'll be interviewed, spotlighted and reviewed by a large number of book bloggers. I'll be sending out info on the individual stops along the way. What could be an onerous task is made easy through the virtual world of technology! So, join me when you can on the tour. I'll be giving insights into the story's characters; talking about what's upcoming and providing personal details about my life and what motivates me as a writer. I promise to make it all as entertaining as possible. And, I'll even talk a bit about Snow Blood Season 2. I think you'll like what I've done with Selene. So stay tuned. Come over to Facebook via facebook.com/carolmckibbenauthor or follow me on Twitter @carolmckibben for updates on when and where I'll be. Hope to see you there! Carol |
Carol McKibben Archives
January 2025