Is it because the person lying doesn’t like the truth, for whatever reason? It’s hard to accept that people lie just for the fun of it. Even if that’s what they think, there is usually a deeper problem. Some people lie because they are ashamed of the truth and think that living a lie will help them get ahead or gain whatever they want, even if it’s the love and respect of others.
In other cases, lies are told in order to avoid hurting anyone with the truth. One person confessed to me that he lied to protect others because he didn’t want them to be concerned with his problems. He even went as far as to admit that he hurt and didn’t want people to know.
Another person explained that she liked to cover up what she really thought because she felt people don’t really want to know the truth. Most times, truth does hurt. It is often uncomfortable. That’s why it’s frequently avoided. It’s the old, “Do I look fat in these pants” syndrome. Will your better half tell you that you don’t look fat because he loves you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings? If he does tell you the truth, will you be angry and upset? And does that address a deeper problem?
A friend of mine privately told me that her husband lied to keep from being judged. He told everyone he knew that they owned his home, even though it is really a rental. He lied because he was embarrassed that he wasn’t further ahead in reaching his financial goals.
In Luke’s Tale, Sara lies because she wants to protect Ashlundt from the pain and suffering of her illness. She knows him and understands that his love comes with conditions. He needs those he loves to be healthy and happy, and, if they aren’t, he’s thrown into the throes of depression that stems back to the death of a younger brother.
So my question to you is this: do you feel that it is all right to lie to protect those you love from hurt and pain? Or, is the truth always better?
Tell me what you think. I really would like to know.
Until next time,