Time to Let Go is a contemporary family drama set in Britain. Following a traumatic incident at work, Stewardess Hanna Korhonen decides to take time off work and leaves her home in London to spend quality time with her elderly parents in rural England. There she finds that neither can she run away from her problems, nor does her family provide the easy getaway place for which she had hoped. Her mother suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and, while being confronted with the consequences of her issues at work, she and her entire family are forced to reassess their lives.
The book takes a close look at family dynamics and at human nature in a time of crisis. Their challenges, individual and shared, take the Korhonens on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. My kind of book!
I wanted to alert you about this great book and let you know that it will be available on May 15th. Until then, I will be having Christoph guest blogging and letting you know more about his inspiration. Mark this book down on your calendars for May 15th. I'll make sure you are aware of where to grab it!
Til Next Time,