I’ve been focusing on unconditional love in my writings of late, and I can’t think of anything more unconditional than another human being ready to go into harm’s way and lay down his or her life to try and save another person.
Such it was with Carlos Arredondo who was there with his wife handing out American flags to runners to inspire them. Carlos, who works with returning vets, lost a son to a sniper bullet in Iraq in 2004 and a second son to suicide, triggered by depression over his brother’s death, a few years later.
When the blast went off, Carlos sprang into action, running toward the danger, even jumping fences to help any way that he could. Finding a man on the ground with both his legs blown off and in severe shock, Carlos got the critically-wounded man in a wheelchair and pinched a bleeding artery closed. Because of Carlos, this man is alive today.
And this is only one instance of hundreds of people who, instead of running away in fear, turned and ran into the terror of the moment.
We read a lot of sad stories every day now about the evils of mankind. But, I still have a lot of hope. Heroes like Carlos and those who ran without thought of their own safety to help others tell me that it is within us to love each other unconditionally.
Until next time,