Why? Because lately I've been talking to A LOT of people who want to write about their relationships, their battles, their issues. I've even met a few who want to write novels. This has focused me on providing advise about how to write books. First of all, every one who wants to be a writer should read Stephen King's article above. It takes 10 minutes to read it and is great advice.
What I want to add to it are the following:
- Don't start writing thinking that you are going to get rich. Not many of us do. Some are more fortunate than others. Trust me. I've read some great works by people of whom you've never heard. Every bit as great as Mr. King himself. So much of it depends upon a ton of hard work. It doesn't just magically happen. Why? Because writing the book is just part of it. You have to be prepared to find your voice and your audience and market the heck out of it. Self-published or traditionally launched, it makes no difference.
- Be prepared to pour all of your creative talent and research skills into producing a book. That goes for fiction or non--fiction. People want to be entertained or to learn, either way. Don't ever forget that.
- When you start to write, just let it pour out of you. Each of us has something unique to share. Write about what you know, and expand upon it with valid research. But first, just get it down in rough form. Like Mr. King says, don't even look at a dictionary or a Thesaurus. Get it down. Get it all down. Then, go back and add the research, tweak it, edit it, make it the best it can be.
- Then, get a great editor. Someone who will push you to be even better.
- Share it with critique partners (other writers) or people who like to read books for free. You can find them on the Internet. Make sure they don't have an emotional attachment to you and will give you an honest assessment. Take what they tell you to heart. Don't get your panties in a wad or take anything personally. Take valid comments and edit more.
- Return it to your editor for further help.
- When you've given it all you've got, follow Mr. King's advice, or self-publish. But understand that the real work has just begun.
Sounds daunting, doesn't it? It is. But if you approach it with the thought that you might help someone else with what you've shared, or you might make others smile, laugh, learn or be entertained, then you will have stepped into the shoes of a writer. Writers are givers of unconditional love. We want you to love us, but we'll keep on writing to you, no matter what, because we care very deeply about what we think we have to offer you.
If you're a writer and you are reading this, please share and add your advice to mine. This is in no way a complete list. If you are a reader, share your thoughts as well. Share what you like to read and why.
In the meantime, before I go, my publisher just completed a book trailer of Snow Blood Season 2 that I want to share with you. Let me know what you think!
Til Next Time!