The current season more than any other has impressed me, and the show is still in the audition stages. Why? Because of the judges' handling of each contestant. Particularly the two new judges but particularly Jason Derulo. I didn't know much about Jason before his appearance on SYTYCD. Oh, I'd heard his name and watched him perform a few times, but I didn't know what a compassionate human being he is until now.
On two occasions in particular he proved his willingness to help others have meaningful experiences they wouldn't have had without his intervention. In one instance, a young man with Downs Syndrome auditioned, and while the other two judges passed on his moving on, Jason handed the young hopeful a ticket to the next stage of the competition. He told the young man named Cody: "This is on my dime. I am so impressed with how far you have come." Just the thought that this young man who had overcome his disability and had the courage to get up in front of millions of people to try and win a ticket to the next level moved Derulo to action.
There I go again about giving those around us the helping hand they need to experience and grow.
The same thing happened with a young girl who had been in a debilitating car accident when she was a child. Even with her leg disfigured and her doctors not understanding how she could even walk, let alone dance, she performed beautifully. Maybe not up to the same standard as those who had gone before her. But, when it came to Derulo, after the head judge had passed on her, he said, "I want you to have the chance to try even more." That turned the tide, and the young woman moved to the next round.
This just illustrates how giving encouragement to others can change their world. Neither contestant may go much further in the competition, but what a wonderful experience and valuable lessons they will have learned along the way.
My hat is off to you, Jason Derulo! Your attitude, compassion and willingness to see beyond this competition are awe-inspiring!
Til Next Time!