Why am I sharing this with you? Because there are so many people out there who carry pain with them every day to the point that they can't live in the present because they are so hooked on the past. And, because if you want to change your life, you must make a conscious decision to do so, and do it yourself. No one else can do it for you.
I didn't write this book to be a commercial success. Never thought it would be. Just a personal story told openly and without shame in the small hope that it might someday help one other person.
So, if Christoph's review encourages you to read Riding Through It, I hope it helps you. At any rate, just know that you aren't alone out there.
Christoph gave the book a 5-Star Review on Goodreads. Thank you, Christoph, for having an open heart. Here it is:
"Riding Through it: A Memoir" by Carol McKibben is a moving, captivating and impressive memoir. It tells the story of a woman who experienced violence and conflict more than love and affection from a very early age onwards. Her family and her experiences with the other sex form the basis for an unhappy life until the author learns how to transform her life and turn it around.
It is inspiring to read this raw and honest account of a tragic life and see how concepts, such as positive manifestation and projection, manage to change the woman's perspective and perception of her life and enable her to come out at the other end happy and sane.
McKibben does an excellent job at portraying the naivety of her younger self with a voice that shows the magnitude of her hurt and pain but she does not stop to lick her wound to get our sympathy. She keeps going to the next chapter in her life, 'riding through it' until the moment of redemption, salvation and resolve.
To me it is this accomplished balance and hitting just the right tone that makes this book so distinct from lesser books in the genre. Highly recommended." -Christoph Fischer
Til Next time,