Deni has always leaned on Tim, and he on her. Today, she is supporting him through his last battle. One without the other is unimaginable to me and to all their many, many friends. For me, they have both been mentors and friends. I worked for them some 20 years ago, but we have always stayed in touch.
What always impresses me the most about them is their unconditional love for each other. Through thick and thin, illness and health, lean times and prosperity, they have always remained the same. I don’t know very many who can say the same.
But, I want to focus on Tim for a moment. We met in 1981. I worked for the two of them at their small but flourishing publishing company on Cotner Avenue in Westwood. Tim and I only had one real disagreement in the decade I worked for him. But before I could pack up my stuff, he was in my office, blue eyes sparkling with an apology. I loved that he allowed his team to be Intraprenuers within his organization. He gave us the tools to do our job and then trusted us to make the right decisions. I loved the way he and Deni always considered each others’ opinions and conferred together. Together they were generous and kind as bosses. They expected a lot, but they rewarded greatly. It was a wonderful place, filled with others to whom I still am close. It was a family, and it grew. We moved to new digs and then even bigger ones. When I decided to go out on my own with my husband Mark to launch our own business, he agreed to sit on our advisory board and helped us in more ways than I can reveal. But always, with that blue twinkle in his eye, he’d look at me and say, “Yout office is still empty; when are you coming back?”
As for, Deni, she is a rock. She always said that Tim was the strong one, but I have never seen so much inner strength, grace and willingness to share her thoughts and feelings with her friends during such a heart-breaking time. The way they have both fought this battle makes them my heroes!
May each of you be lucky enough to have a Tim and Deni in your life!