I sat with a blank page in front of me and wondered what I wanted to say to you. To find inspiration, I scrolled Facebook of all places and found this photograph. I knew in that instant what I needed to tell you.
In Luke's Tale, my heroic dog is Ashlundt's constant companion, aiding the man to come to grips with his loved one's illness. Then, later, he is Sara's constant companion after another tragedy strikes.
I know whenever I have been sick or stressed, the real Luke, and now my current dogs, just snuggled up next to me. Just knowing that they were there for me makes all the difference in the world.
Oftentimes when tragedy strikes our friends or family members, we don't know what to do. The simple answer is to just be present for them. And love them.
Often, that simple act is too difficult for people. They tell themselves they can't bear to watch people they love suffer, be ill or go through challenging times. That is selfish and unkind. The fact of the matter is that being present for them will give them the courage they need to fight their battles.
So just be present for those you love when they need you. No words necessary. A simple shoulder will do.
Til next time.