My first novel, Luke’s Tale, is a story of a young couple’s struggle to find unconditional love as told through the eyes of their blind dog. So, why did I jump from this to writing, Snow Blood, a vampire mystery series?
It's a different genre. It's not about unconditional love, or is it? Can vampires have unconditional love for one another? Can they unselfishly love a human being?
These questions popped up as I struggled daily to bring my characters - Brogio, Selene, Kane and ultimately Snow Blood - to life.
So, how did I make the jump? Let me share with you how the idea was born. I was with my publisher telling her all about my latest foster dog, Snow. She was a white husky with the bluest of blue eyes. Stephanie (my publisher) and I both love vampire stories. She looked at me and said, "I want you to write a vampire book next." My reply: ""Yes, and I'll again narrate it through the eyes of a dog - a vampire dog. We both simultaneously locked eyes and said, "Call it Snow Blood!"
It's amazing how the seed for a story idea springs to life. I latched onto it with the force of a vampire looking for his next meal! But it's so different from Luke's Tale!
Not really.
Til Next Time,