Have you ever considered how you make others feel? Would it surprise you if I told you that both what you say and how you say it truly impacts others? Did you know you can make or break another person’s day with what you say or how you behave with them?
Comments like, “Oh, you look tired,” or “Why did you do that?” never make people feel great about themselves. Asking rude, none-of their business questions or ignoring them when they are speaking to you is both demeaning and rude.
Think about how you would like to be spoken to. Would you prefer to get a smile and have others repeat to you what you’ve said? Wouldn’t it be nice to get help when you need it? How about if you thought before you spoke and focused on the positives instead of the negatives? If you follow these simple techniques, you’ll always be thought of a considerate person who makes others feel great about themselves when they are around you.
Other Ways to Make Others Feel Good About Themselves
Dale Partridge of The Daily Positive offers five ways to make the people around you feel great. Consider how you would respond when you get this kind of treatment from others. And, if you like it, try behaving in kind yourself.
· Put Your Stuff Away — Never have your phone or computer out during a conversation with another.
· Use a Person’s Name in Conversation — So, when you are introduced to someone, remember his or her name.
· Ask the Other Person to Teach you Something — Everyone has something to offer. It is a way to help them shine.
· Really be Interested — Lean in, keep eye contact, and listen way more than you talk.
· Shine the Spotlight on Them — In group settings, share someone’s talent, a good story
about them, or what you like about them.
Yes, this is all basic polite behavior, but so many people don’t consider how they make others feel by what they say and how they act. And yes, this is all about that unconditional love thing that I keep talking about.
Til Next Time,