I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou

Do you smile at them, repeat back what they’ve said to you, help them when they need it, and focus on the positives instead of the negatives?
If you do the latter, then you are a considerate person who makes others feel really good about themselves when they are around you.
5 Ways to Make Others Feel Great
Dale Partridge of The Daily Positive offers 5 ways to make the people around you feel great. You might say he is preaching etiquette. I say he’s being considerate of others.
· Put Your Stuff Away – Don’t ever have your phone or computer out while in a conversation.
· Use a Person’s Name in Conversation – This requires you remember it when they tell you
· Ask Them to Teach you Something – Everyone has something to offer, let them shine.
· Be Authentically Interested – Lean in, keep eye contact, and listen way more than you talk.
· Shine the Spotlight on Them – In group settings, share someone’s talent, a good story about them, or what you like about them.
It is fairly basic behavior, but you would be amazed at how many people don’t consider how they make others feel around them. Think about it.
Words of Wisdom from the great Brian Tracy
For more about Dale Partridge, visit:
John Daly is the founder and president of The Key Class, the go-to guide for job search success. To learn more about The Key Class, go to www.thekeyclass.com. To get John’s book, click The Key Class.
Follow John on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/thekeyclass and Twitter @johnjdalyjr.