It got me to thinking about the protagonist of my upcoming episodic series, Snow Blood. Stephanie’s protagonist is a demon. Mine too. Snow Blood, however, was created a demon out of circumstances beyond his control. Which leads me to the question: If you were forced into a situation where you had to perform uncharacteristic acts just to survive, would you?
As we begin a new year, how do your current circumstances shape your image? No matter what your circumstances, consider how your actions will affect others. Don’t let attributes like loyalty, trust and friendship slide by the wayside. In a world full of demons, life is harsh. Many would say that our world is filled with demons and that our lives are harsh. Often, that gives people license to behave other than normal. But don’t.
Snow Blood became something other than himself, but he never lost his ability to love, be loyal, to trust and to give friendship. Leave it to a dog to set the right example.
May your New Year be filled with friendship, love, trust and loyalty.
Til next time,