I’ve always struggled opening “child-proof” Listerine bottle tops…or any bottle top for that matter. I’ve harbored this perception that I'm a physically weak person, until two months ago. I believed that I couldn’t get any jar or bottle open or safely pick up heavy items. To make matters worse, I’ve been a classical dressage rider for 14 years. That’s where the rider literally “dances” with the horse. It takes a lot of strength to sit up there and, through subtle movements, make a 1,300-pound horse do whatever you ask. And, in some instances, the strength difficulty factor blocked me from progressing.
So what happened to change that?
Simple, I had my Listerine moment. I was standing at the bathroom sink staring at the Listerine bottle. I took a deep breath, grabbed the top, pushed in the tabs on each side and twisted. Nothing. Suddenly it hit me. I’m trying, not doing. I can do this. Push past the initial resistance and open the damn bottle.
I shook my head and took a step backward. Then I marched forward, picked up the bottle, pushed and twisted the cap and off it came! The light bulbs exploded in my head. My mind had been holding my body back.
It didn’t stop there. I applied it to everything I’ve been doing. Those difficult dressage movements were mastered. Peanut butter jars were a piece of cake. I picked up heavy-duty items I had often not even attempted. The list goes on.
While my Listerine moment was applicable to my physical strength, yours might be something different. A project you can’t push through? Something you’ve always wanted to try but been afraid to attempt? Meeting that special person?
Whatever it is, just remember this simple rule: You can if you believe you can!
Until next time!