The first is J.D. Brown. Just so you know, J. D. is a Global Ebook Awards Nominee for Best Paranormal Fiction Novel; an EPIC Ebook Awards Nominee for Best Paranormal Fiction Novel; Voted Top 10 Best Paranormal Fiction Novel by Preditors& and has been
awarded the Five Stars Readers Favorite seal by Pretty impressive, right?
My next treasured discovery is Tracy Cooper-Posey. She's an Amazon #1 Best Selling author and has published over 40 novels since 1999! She writes erotic vampire romances, hot romantic suspense, paranormal and urban fantasy romances. She's been nominated for 5 CAPAs including Favorite Author and has won the Emma Darcy Award.
I think it's important for authors to support each other, but even better that we make sure that our readers have exposure to the best in the marketplace. I hope you enjoy the work of these two very talented ladies. I know that I do!
Til Next Time,