2. The central message is unconditional love. The message is clear. We all place conditions on others whom we love. It is up to us to remove those conditions and love unconditionally. If we do, the world will be a better place.
3. The book is narrated by Luke, the Dog.
4. Just like faith, one must suspend disbelief in order to believe… in a dog who can have the thoughts of a human being.
5. The man and woman in the story are flawed.
6. The dog pretty much stands for GOD spelled backwards, but this is not a book about religion.
7. We can only find our way when we are open to facing our past and then leaving it behind us.
8. The book is not about blindness or cancer. Luke’s blindness and Sara’s cancer are only present to test the conditions that Ashlundt places on them as barriers to love.
9. Life tests all of us. It’s not so much how we handle it but what we learn from it.
10. Many people find it a sad story, perhaps because it hits very close to home. It is meant to show people the way to lasting relationships.
I intended to provide a descriptive paragraph under each item on the list. But, I think they can stand alone. They capture the essence of the book, and I hope you will read it.
Til Next Time!